Before beginning work this portion of the survey, we ask that you consider the following:
- Each statement or statement group refers to the reference tables below it
- For optimal viewing, it may be helpful to use a larger-screen device or monitor, if possible
- You may also find it helpful to reduce your monitor display to 75%
- Please keep in mind that there are three different scrolling regions, one each for the survey and reference table sections and one for the main page
- Please click ‘Done’ when prompted to successfully advance to the next questionÂ
- You will have reached the end of the reference tables only when you see “End of (e.g.Patient Selection and Evaluation) Section
- Once you are ready to begin the survey, please click the appropriate link within the grey frame to load the literature associated with that section. It is very important that you review the literature associated with each statement before submitting your response in the survey